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2011 LakeView Museum National Engineers Day – 2/19/11

The LakeView Museum hosted their National Engineers Day event on February 19th. This event falls on National Engineers Week and attracts several local engineering organizations and companies. The goal is to get kids excited about engineering and science and CIRC was on hand to demonstrate some exciting robots including a ROBOTIS humanoid, several line following robots, and the “U-Drive-Em” combat robots. This event took place in the same room were our monthly meetings are held.

February 19, 2011 at 8:57 pm | Community | 2 comments

Monthly Meeting Recap – 1/16/11


January 16, 2011 at 12:11 pm | Monthly Meeting Recaps | No comment

2010 iHobby Expo – 10/24/10

In 2009 ChiBots was once again invited to the iHobby Expo to host their annual Chibotica event and to demonstrate robotics to the event visitors. The CRCA was also once again in attendance hosting their annual Mecha Mayhem combat event. A few CIRC members attended this event as well either as competitors in the various robot competitions or to help demonstrate various robotics projects to the crowds. Some of the highlights of this year’s event included Steve Hassenplug’s Monster Chess, Mike Davey’s Turing machine, and combat robots from Team Whyachi.

October 24, 2010 at 9:34 pm | Community | No comment

2010 Boy Scout Illini Jamboree – 9/18/10

The 2010 Boy Scout Illini Jamboree event was held on September 18th in Rantoul, IL. This was the second year that CIRC attended this Boy Scout event and we came prepared with an exciting display of robots. We also brought a pop-up canopy this time which saved us all from the threat of sun burns. The organizers were very happy to have us back again and even gave us a prime spot very close to the camp grounds and other displays.

September 18, 2010 at 8:58 pm | Community | No comment

RoboMagellan Update 1

Wheel-E v1.5 competed at the Chibots Summer RoboMagellan competition today. He put forth a valiant effort but ultimately was unable to complete the course due to GPS inaccuracies, limited obstacle detection abilities, and a nasty fall during one run which damaged the GPS receiver. Wheel-E v2.0 is already in development and will be ready for next year’s competition! (more…)

July 25, 2010 at 11:22 am | Projects | No comment

2010 Bot Brawl

Lakeview Museum, Peoria, IL

Click for Results, Pictures, and Video!

March 6, 2010 at 9:12 pm | Brawls & Boogaloos | No comment

RoboMagellan Overview

The RoboMagellan competition was created by the Seattle Robotics Society in part as a low-cost alternative to the DARPA grand challenge. Intrigued by the idea of vehicles that can autonomously navigate outdoor environments, the group devised a competition in which robots navigate between GPS waypoints through a college park type environment. During their run (more…)

February 21, 2010 at 11:15 am | Projects | No comment

2010 LakeView National Museum Engineers Day – 2/14/10

The LakeView Museum hosted their National Engineers Day event on February 19th. This event falls on National Engineers Week and attracts several local engineering organizations and companies. The goal is to get kids excited about engineering and science and CIRC was on hand to demonstrate some exciting robots.

February 14, 2010 at 9:04 pm | Community | 1 comment

2009 Central Illinois Regional FLL Tournament – 12/12/09

The 2009 Central Illinois Regional FLL (FIRST LEGO League) Tournament took place on December 12th at Bradley University. Some CIRC members participated in this competition as judges and a few others were available to setup a CIRC display advertising our club during this huge event. The CIRC booth got a lot of attention all day thanks to the exciting robot displays and video.

December 12, 2009 at 9:06 pm | Community | No comment

2009 iHobby Expo – 10/24/09

In 2009 the event organizers for the iHobby Expo, the largest hobby expo in the country, invited ChiBots to hold their annual ChiBotica robot competition at the expo. Chibots put out an invitation for anyone interested in helping with their display which intended to showcase the world of robotics to thousands of expo visitors. A few CIRC members were able to attend either to compete in the ChiBotica competition or to showcase their personal creations. This event was an absolute blast with a massive collection of RC cars and planes, model railroads, plastic models, and every other hobby industry you can think of. Along with ChiBots, the CRCA (Chicago Robotic Combat Association) also hosted their annual Mecha-Mayhem competition which featured 1lb and 3lb combat robots.

October 24, 2009 at 9:47 pm | Community | No comment

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