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Bot Boogaloo 25 Winter Almost Here

Bot Boogaloo 25 Winter is almost upon us. We will host this competition this Saturday, February 22nd, starting at 10:00 AM at Izaak Walton Lake, 725 Seven Hills Road, Metamora, IL. Once the events are done, we will have a Build Session where we work on bots, test bots and talk bots. Lots to do with bots and very informal.
If you plan on competing, there is still time to register.  Please let me know via what events you’ll be entering your bot(s) in.  I need combatants to register beforehand so I’m all organized first thing Saturday and we can get started sooner. Check in will start at 9:15 AM and cost $10 per event payable then via check, cash, or PayPal. We will run events in this order; Mini Sumo, Line Follow, Line Maze, and Cone Stalking.
We will pause for lunch sometime between noon and 1:00 PM. Food will be ordered from Subway and a donation jar will be used to cover costs. If you would rather bring your own, that is fine. Ideally, we are done with competitions by about noon, have lunch together, and then start tinkering on our bots. We will wrap the day up about 4:00 PM. More details can be found in other posts on this website.
Lastly, if you want to come and just watch, there’s no charge and all are welcome.

February 18, 2025 at 1:04 pm | Announcements, Brawls & Boogaloos | No comment

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