President: | Bruce Stott |
Vice President: | Ben Daniels |
Treasurer: | Peter Campbell |
Secretary: | Mike Dvorsky |
Webmaster: | Bruce Stott |
Librarian: | Mike Dvorsky |
Feel free to e-mail them with any questions you may have.
Mailing List
We use a mailing list to keep in touch between meetings and to allow anyone who’s interested to keep an eye on what we’re doing. The club mailing list can be subscribed to at our Yahoo! Group.
The CIRC Yahoo group mailing list is to be used for club announcements, event reminders, and quick robotics-related questions only. If a submitted question results in a longer chain of messages, please continue the discussion amongst only those club members engaged in the conversation. Messages that would be considered “advertising” are generally not allowed either but if inquiries are sent to club officers first it could be determined if the message is appropriate for the Yahoo group mailing list.
No, the picture to the right has nothing at all to do with the mailing list. It’s just that while the mailing list itself is quite interesting, describing it is not.